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Ligament Sprain Treatment Available to Walk-In Patients From Spring, TX

Close-up of female medical practitioner with stethoscope bandaging hand and wrist of a male patientLigament sprains are among the most common injuries experienced by athletes, both amateur and professional. However, you don’t have to participate in sports events to incur a sprained ankle, knee, wrist, elbow, or shoulder. Many people sprain their ankles and knees simply by twisting them the wrong way while walking or jogging on an uneven surface. Elbow and wrist sprains can happen if you fall with your arm outstretched.

Sprained ligaments typically cause pain, swelling, and bruising, and they can be alarming if you’re worried that you might have a fracture. Fortunately for those in the Spring, Texas, area, Medella Urgent Care is located nearby. Our Vintage Park urgent care location is open during extended hours every day of the week, and we’re adept at evaluating ligament sprains and other non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses.

When to Seek Treatment for a Ligament Sprain

Many types of ligament sprains will heal on their own with a few days of rest and applying ice packs to reduce the swelling. However, the trained medical practitioners at Medella Urgent Care can provide you with a personalized treatment plan for your specific injury that can help speed your recovery and prevent further injury. For instance, some sprains may benefit from compression with an elastic bandage.

Here are only a few occasions when you should seek urgent care for a sprained ligament:

  • You have restricted range of motion. For example, you sprained your ankle or knee and can’t walk without support.
  • You noticed a popping sound or sensation at the time of the injury.
  • Your pain and swelling don’t improve after a few days of rest and at-home remedies.
  • You’re concerned that what appears to be a sprain may actually be a fracture that will require medical attention to heal properly.

Our urgent care clinic near Spring is equipped to provide digital X-rays that can help distinguish a sprain from a fracture. If your injury turns out to be a broken bone, we can help stabilize the injured site and provide splinting. We also treat other common sports and on-the-job injuries, such as muscle strains.

Contact Medella Urgent Care today for more information, or simply stop by our walk-in clinic near Spring. We don’t require appointments, but you may book a time for your visit using our online scheduling service if you wish.